Free Theater Nights

  • Free Theater Nights are just what they sound like-- an evening for young adults to attend a professional live theater performance at no cost, no strings attached. Collaborating with local Boston theater companies, we reserve a section of seats (or often the entire theater!) and distribute the tickets to the youth of Boston for free.

    The evenings also include a pre-show community fair, where youth can connect with resources, local organizations, and one another. Many evenings also have opportunities for post-show reflections with the actors and other professionals.

  • All young adults ages 14 - 24 of Boston are invited to attend the Free Theater Nights at no cost. We especially welcome those who identify as LGBTQ+ and/or BIPOC.

  • The Free Theater Nights take place in different theaters across the city, depending on the show. The pre-/post- show activities occur in the lobby of the theaters. In the past, we have hosted events at the Calderwood Pavilion in the South End and Modern Theater downtown, though locations may expand as the program grows.

    There are approximately four Free Theater Nights per year, and often occur on weeknight evenings. Check out our event page for specific upcoming dates!

  • Before each show, we host a community fair in the lobby of the theater.

    Community organizations with shared missions are invited to host interactive, pre-show stations where young adults can connect in real time and sign up for continued engagement outside the theater. Some examples of organizations hosting stations may include: Record Co. (affordable music recording studio), 826 Boston (free writing and publishing organization for teens to amplify marginalized voices), Draw Like A Pro (free art supplies and classes led by local artists), and Boston theaters’ own youth programs (Front Porch’s Young Critics Program, Huntington’s Spoken Word Nights, and Speakeasy’s Acting Classes), among others. Support groups for LGBTQ+ youth (Boston GLASS, Boston Trans Support, etc.) will be invited to share resources and meeting schedules and pediatricians will host stations with resources on healthy relationships, STI prevention, and connection to primary care, etc. We will also invite local artists and performers to share their work and experience.

    Over light refreshments and snacks, young adults can explore the stations, meet other young adults with shared identities, and connect.

  • After the show, young adults are welcome to stay and reflect on the performance: What did you think of the show? How did it connect to your experiences? What did you learn?

    Actors from the show and local artists will often join the discussions.

  • We believe that theater is the most powerful when the stories on stage reflect the experiences and identities of the audience.

    Shows with characters and themes relevant to young adults are prioritized, especially stories that highlight young adult, LGBTQ+, and/or BIPOC experiences.

    The shows are selected by young adults, for young adults. Learn more about our paid Community Leader positions, and consider applying to help choose the shows!

  • Check out our upcoming Free Theater Nights, and sign up here!


Community Rehearsals